Software Trends

4 Key Giveaways of SuiteCRM for SMEs

The biggest challenge that SMEs face is to compete against other small and huge businesses. Gaining a firmer footing in the business arena is where you need to get ahead with a robust plan like SuiteCRM that helps you in managing your marketing and sales. It is the most popular and user-friendly tool especially good for small businesses that need a platform for developing and strengthening their position in the online world. Offerings of variety of useful tools that are perfectly suitable for any business model due to its ability to customize operability is where you would like to opt for SuiteCRM.
Let us look at 4 key giveaways of SuiteCRM for SMEs to gain insight into it.
Complete Business Solution

Opting for automated software that helps manage all like SuiteCRM is where diversification begins.
Utilizing the single platform for inclusion […]

Open Source Software versus Closed Source

Overview of Open Source and Closed Source software

An Open Source software is one, that is free to use, redistributable under licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition. From business perspective Open Source is more preferred rather than the closed source for the following reasons:

For Open Source Software, individuals or organizations do not have to pay for software licenses.
Open Source provides a platform for bug fixing and modifying the source code.
Open Source software continuously evolves as more and more developers contribute to it.

Some of the well-known OSS include the LINUX kernel, browser Mozilla Firefox, Apache web-server and the list goes on.
Pros and Cons of Open Source and Closed Source
1. Service
Open Source software relies mainly on community to deliver support. At times these support fails to deliver higher level of response.
Closed source support are readily available. Little technical skills with ongoing support is required. Support also includes […]

Effects of automation on our daily lives

Is Automation Really Making Life Easy or Lazy

The world at large as we know it has become highly dependent on the different machines and the software that run these machines and continues to make larger impacts with each progressive day. For argument’s sake let us take the first view that we are becoming more and lazier due to the applications and the work that is done for us in a short span and simple method in the different industries that are used by millions every day. People are being affected by different diseases that did not exist prior such automation of the society. People are getting obese that is giving birth to other harmful diseases such as high cholesterol, cardiac, respiratory, fatigue, and countless others as they have become lazy since life has been made easy by the software and machines that operate to make life […]

Robots cutting down jobs. Robots replacing humans

Are Robots Going To Cut Down Human Capital In Near Future

The current world scenario is such that many jobs and workplaces are being run on artificial intelligence or with the help of robots, resulting in the downsizing of the human capital in these sectors. In the present, we can only suspect that one of the key factors of down wages is the areas where robots are replacing human workers.
The work that a robot can perform in an industry reduces the requirement of human capital by 5-6%. The drop in wages through the employment of robots is estimated to be around .5-1% per annum. This transformational effect on the market scenario will tend to increase and remain so due to the high rate of dependency on the accuracy of artificial intelligence. Besides the accuracy, the efficiency with each passing day is developing to a great extent that is helping the […]

IT enabled support services

How IT/ITES enabled operations to help you organize your work

One of the key factors that lead to the success of any organization is an effective system of software-enabled operations. The software enabled operations in a business include the software as a business service. It helps in every business ranging from different platforms to design, sell and consume technology as an input for the clients. The service delivered is in the form of bits and bytes and not a physical form. The primary service offered through this operation as a service to the clients is the technological input. They are designed to suit the needs and requirements of the client. The charge of such services are very nominal and made sure that they are flexible in nature and hassle-free to operate.
Types of Software enabled operations
CRM is a software that helps in building a customer relationship, which in turn increases […]

Software companies in Siliguri

Trend of Software technology in North Bengal

North Bengal located in the lap of the Himalayas, often popular to be spot of scenic beauty has seen prospect in industrialization in recent times. The primary fact that the evergreen North-East playing to be gateways to multiple international border lays the scope of development.
A number of software parks has been established in the region which are extraordinarily performing well giving a profitable turnover. There has been a significant rise in the number of technology parks and companies coming up in this zone.
With emerging development of industries and software technology in this zone, IT industry is experiencing its rise from a new horizon and it is predicted that within few years a growth hike will be observed in this sector. This is one of the sector which requires minimum investment and has no geographical bars.
IT companies have seen a […]

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